Primo Designer’s Pantone Color of the Year 2020

Pantone has given us the Classic Blue as our color for 2020. It is an eye-catching and versatile shade! With the vast options for color, many others will make their way to the forefront this year as a trendy color.

Below, each of the Primoprint designers has chosen their 2020 Color Of The Year and has explained why they think that color will pop up more and more as the year goes on.

Employee Spotlight: Meet Jenny

At Primoprint, it’s the premium and affordable products that customers know, but it’s the fantastic people that make us, well, us!

How to Use The Rule of Thirds for Your Print Design

The rule of thirds is one of the most useful design principles. This principle helps to create visually pleasing compositions that are more balanced and engaging. This rule can be…

Print Materials That Can Help Market Your Restaurant

If you’ve started, or are thinking of starting a restaurant, you’ve already spent some time thinking about the setting, menu, prices, and ambiance. How much thought have you given to your print marketing materials? Print marketing materials are an excellent way of setting the scene for your patrons. When done right, marketing materials will let diners see in a glance what kind of restaurant you have and why they should try it. If they’ve already dined at your establishment, the right marketing will remind them about their great experience and bring them back. Here are some of the marketing materials we know work particularly well for getting the word out.

Top 10 Reddit Subreddits for Designers

Are you a new or experienced designer who is looking for a space to share their work, discuss design philosophies, or looking for help identifying an unknown font? Reddit is a great online forum with endless subreddits dedicated to design.

Tips on How to Design a Better Business Card

Having a well-designed business card functions as both a conversation starter and reminder of your brand. When asked, 72% of respondents said YES if they judge a company by their business card,…