Nearly everyone is on social media. Today, social media is continuously evolving, and the behaviors of the users change as well. Statistics show that 69% of adults are on at least one social media platform, and there was an increase of 9% from last year.
Blogging Tips for Entrepreneurs
When you’re managing a small business, it can be challenging to create time for blogging. But one of the most effective ways to establish yourself, build brand awareness, and provide…
How to Choose the Best Fonts for Your Print Project
Sometimes it is not the message, but how it is said, that makes the most impact. The message will be rendered useless if the intended receiver has no desire to hear and/or read it. In printed communication, the design matters a lot from the logo to the colors down to the font choice in making an impact on the target audience. Sometimes, there is a limited amount of time for them to see the design. To illustrate, a billboard on the highway is often bypassed by cars in literally a matter of seconds, so it must get its job done swiftly and effectively.
How to Write the Perfect Real Estate Agent Bio
Half of all home buyers find their homes on the internet, yet the percentage of real estate agents with websites remains quite small, according to the National Association of Realtors….
Client Feature: Stephen Houk on Growing a Sustainable Design Business
At Primoprint, we have the privilege of working with some very talented and inspiring clients. Today we’re shining a spotlight on a designer that is forging his own path (with…
Design Inspiration – 18 Accounts to Follow on Instagram
The inspiration for your next design project can be found anywhere. Something could catch your eye on your commute to work. You could overhear a conversation that sparks an entirely…