Understanding the 3 Levels of Typographic Hierarchy

In communication, it is important is to establish an effective typographic hierarchy. According to the educational website lynda.com, “typographic hierarchy is the way type is organized in order to indicate…

Top 3 Powerful Rebranding Trends To Think About

We demand a lot from logos. Logos have to be simple while conveying the brand’s ethos so that it resonates with their consumers. In addition to being timeless and distinct,…

Designer Spotlight: Mitzi Wickersham

Since the age of 15, Mitzi Wickersham knew she wanted to pursue her passion for graphic design. “I really love old posters, like from the 60s and 70s—anything that’s a…

Announcing 3 New Colored Edge Business Cards

Want to make a striking first impression? The standard red painted edges add a sense of confidence and strength to your design. It’s both bold and beautiful and is sure to make a lasting impression.

Print Resolution: What It Is and Why it Matters?

Have you ever zoomed into your monitor so close that images no longer look crisp, but rather a close-up of a Monet painting? When zoomed in, the images lose their visibility and turn into little dots of color. Those dots are called pixels. The more dots (or pixels) you have, the better the image will look when printed. This is also what we refer to when we say “dpi” or “dots per inch.”