Choosing a font for your design seems like an easy task, however, all too often we see designs that do not match the aesthetic of the fonts. We have compiled a few basic tips to keep in mind while designing and choosing your fonts.
How to Know When To Hire A Graphic Designer
We’ve all been enticed at some point to take on a project ourselves to save money. But in the end, did we do ourselves any favors? Hiring a graphic designer, in some cases, can work the same way.
Design Feature: Law Office Of Nicole Volpe
One of our design favorite projects at Primoprint is helping new business owners develop their logo and begin the process of creating their brand. Recently Nicole Volpe reached out to us in need of a logo for her new law practice. She was also going to need business cards and letterhead.
Download Your FREE October Digital Wallpapers
Welcome to fall! In celebration of the Pumpin Spiced Latte, newly changing leaves, and all things Fall, here are this month’s FREE digital wallpapers. The desktop version features a handy October calendar and the mobile version will keep you inspired all month long. Download yours today!
Download Your FREE September Digital Wallpapers
Do you ever sit at your desk or in class and find yourself doodling? If so, you are not alone. Some of the greatest minds of today, and throughout history, find themselves lost in thought and doodling on their notes. As many of our great leaders strive to run the country, they, just like most of us, find themselves doodling too.
How to Create Print-Ready Files in Photoshop From Start to Finish
Photoshop is one of the most-used programs by our clients. While versatile, Photoshop can throw some curve balls in the design process that result in errors when uploading to our site. This can lead to confusion and uncertainty of how your files will turn out when printed and lead to delays.