Print Resolution: What It Is and Why it Matters?

Have you ever zoomed into your monitor so close that images no longer look crisp, but rather a close-up of a Monet painting? When zoomed in, the images lose their visibility and turn into little dots of color. Those dots are called pixels. The more dots (or pixels) you have, the better the image will look when printed. This is also what we refer to when we say “dpi” or “dots per inch.”

CMYK vs RGB for Printing; What’s the Difference?

CMYK and RGB are acronyms that refer to color models used to create images and files. CMYK color mode is used for printing. The RGB color mode is used to display images that are intended to be viewed on computer monitors and screens only. We’ll look at the difference and help you understand the difference and explain CMYK or RGB for print. Below we breakdown rgb vs cmyk. 

How to Setup Full Service EDDM® Postcard Files

Since the launch of Full-Service EDDM®, there have been quite a few questions regarding the setup of the print files. The USPS® requires this product to be designed a bit differently than regular print-only EDDM® postcards, so we thought we’d try to answer a few of the most common questions.

Select From a Variety of Plastic Cards

Printing personalized business cards continue to be one of the best marketing tools for any size business or entrepreneur. We offer a large selection of printing options, including spot UV,…

Include Spot UV on Your Printed Products

Applying Spot UV (also referred to as Spot Gloss or Spot Varnish) to your business card, postcards, presentation folders and other business products. It’s a favorite added feature. We have created a…