Photoshop is one of the most-used programs by our clients. While versatile, Photoshop can throw some curve balls in the design process that result in errors when uploading to our site. This can lead to confusion and uncertainty of how your files will turn out when printed and lead to delays.
Everything you need to know about… Presentation Folders
Custom presentation folders are an excellent asset for many companies. When handing customers multiple papers, this is the ideal way to keep everything together and help store papers for future…
Download Your FREE August Digital Wallpapers
With kids getting ready to go back to school and end of summer vacations upon us, don’t give up on summer just yet! Whether you are working from a beautiful camp site, or even just wanting some bright colors to celebrate August, be sure to download this months FREE digital wallpapers.
Everything You Need To Know About… Pearl Metallic
The Pearl Metallic paper is made up of small pearl fibers that provide a unique, subtle shimmer – making your printed design glistens in the light.
Download Your FREE July Digital Wallpapers
This July, as you are sitting around the pool or lounging on the beach, make sure to whip up some of this fan favorite Sangria to sip on while you download your FREE desktop and mobile wallpapers!
How To Incorporate Seasonal Colors Into Your Marketing
As the seasons change, many companies will choose to alter their secondary color pallets to accommodate the time of year and how we feel during that period. But is that the best action from a marketing strategy? Or should businesses play it safe and stick to their branded colors?