Most of us know Primoprint from our awesome business cards and postcards, but Primoprint is more than that! Each month we will be focusing on a specific category or demographic…
Sell Sheet Design Tips
Before we get started on the design elements of a sell sheet, we must answer – what is a sell sheet? Well, they are also known as a product sheet,…
Blogging Tips for Entrepreneurs
When you’re managing a small business, it can be challenging to create time for blogging. But one of the most effective ways to establish yourself, build brand awareness, and provide…
5 Ways to Start a Conversation at a Networking Event
If you don’t know what to say at a networking event, it can be hard to work up the courage to make connections. Don’t be fooled by the confidence of other professionals; at one point, they had just as much trouble breaking the ice. Arm yourself with a few conversation starters and step into the event, looking for the chance to make a few friends.
How to Choose the Best Fonts for Your Print Project
Sometimes it is not the message, but how it is said, that makes the most impact. The message will be rendered useless if the intended receiver has no desire to hear and/or read it. In printed communication, the design matters a lot from the logo to the colors down to the font choice in making an impact on the target audience. Sometimes, there is a limited amount of time for them to see the design. To illustrate, a billboard on the highway is often bypassed by cars in literally a matter of seconds, so it must get its job done swiftly and effectively.
9 Tips for Designing a Successful EDDM® Postcard
Over the past few years, we have seen hundreds of companies build their clientele by using EDDM® – also known as Every Door Direct Mail®. It’s a postcard mailing service…