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Thick Business Card Options

Business cards and postcards continue to be great marketing tools for you and your business. These small but useful tools are great for establishing your brand. It’s important to stand…

Why Trusted Brands Trust Primoprint

When you trust an online printing company, you rely on and put your confidence in their products and services. Many well known, trusted brands put their confidence in Primoprint to…

How to Build Your Contracting Network

As a service-based business, referrals are everything. Make it easy for your customers to spread the word and build your network for you by following these simple tips. Reputation is…

How to Design an Effective Postcard

Postcards are a great way to grab attention and promote your business, product, or services. Creating a strong marketing piece is key to successfully attracting interest and new customers. It…

How to Setup Your Inline Foil Files for Print

The inline foil is a unique process and adds great metallic shine to your artwork. Unlike stamped foil, you can apply Inline Foil to any solid color or gradient spectrum. You can use Spot UV over the top for an extra pop of shine, you can cover an entire page with Inline Foil, and you can also integrate thin details into the foil, such as text and intricate lines.

Excuse Me… Did You Say “Blurple”?

Blurple. It’s a funny word that you may hear quite often as you wander through the halls of Primoprint. But what is it and how can it be avoided?