To bleed or not to bleed – that is the question. When it comes to print, the answer is to bleed. So what exactly is bleed, and why is it…
Print Resolution: What It Is and Why it Matters?
Have you ever zoomed into your monitor so close that images no longer look crisp, but rather a close-up of a Monet painting? When zoomed in, the images lose their visibility and turn into little dots of color. Those dots are called pixels. The more dots (or pixels) you have, the better the image will look when printed. This is also what we refer to when we say “dpi” or “dots per inch.”
Creative Sites that Inspire Our Team
To inspire means to give someone the craving or capability to do or feel something, something creative. Below are four sites that inspire our creative team. Check them out and get inspired! Tweet @Primoprint your favorite websites to draw inspiration from using the hashtag #GetInspired.
Why Table Tent Marketing is so Effective
I’m sure we’ve all been to restaurants and bars and seen the small triangle cards sitting on the tables. And I would bet that just about every time you see…
New Painted Edge Business Cards
Creatives seeking to showcase their personality are in luck. We’re excited to release our latest product: 32PT Uncoated Painted Edge business cards. This 32PT thick uncoated card stock currently features…
CMYK vs RGB for Printing; What’s the Difference?
CMYK and RGB are acronyms that refer to color models used to create images and files. CMYK color mode is used for printing. The RGB color mode is used to display images that are intended to be viewed on computer monitors and screens only. We’ll look at the difference and help you understand the difference and explain CMYK or RGB for print. Below we breakdown rgb vs cmyk.