Did you know trading cards date back to the 1860s? Since the 1860s trading cards have evolved in a way no one could have imagined. Now every youth athlete can have their own card, companies are using trading cards to promote a positive employee culture, gamers are creating their own characters using trading cards, and so much more.
What is Typesetting?
Typesetting is thought to have been invented around 1450. Today, this process has obviously improved tremendously. Over 40 years ago computers took over the manual typesetting process. This means no more Typesetters sitting over trays of metal letters for hours upon hours placing each letter by hand.
Building Your Brand’s Story
Who doesn’t love a good story? Even if the product, service, or solution doesn’t align with a specific person, with a story, they might still want to find out what…
8 Powerful Marketing Strategies On A $500 Budget
Just because you’re working with a small marketing budget doesn’t mean you can’t get a lot of bang for your buck. A budget of $500 may seem light, but there are plenty of affordable marketing strategies that can help you acquire the leads and customers you need to start building a respectable revenue stream. Here is a list of various marketing strategies you can implement with only $500.
4 Helpful EDDM® Marketing Tips To Grow Your Business
Every Door Direct Mail® postcards provide an outstanding marketing concept for small and large businesses. Whether a company wants to focus on clients in residential areas or business settings, an EDDM® campaign has the potential to cultivate a variety of targeted leads.
How To Prepare for Small Business Saturday & the Holiday Season
With about six weeks to plan this year, we dove into the top products, hashtags, and everything in between to help you have a successful event and holiday season.