8 Guaranteed Tips To Benefit Your Nonprofit Fundraising Efforts

Fundraising is a necessary part of nonprofit work. Nobody likes to ask people for money, but without those donations, your nonprofit isn’t able to do its valuable work. When people believe in your cause and are contributing to it, nonprofit work feels great. However, if you’re not seeing continually promising results in your fundraising, you might need to look at your strategy. Does your company mainly rely on phone calls or email blasts? Are you diversifying your communication efforts to get new donors, or are you primarily relying on new donors? No matter the size or type of nonprofit you’re running, these essential tips will help you revitalize your fundraising efforts.

4 Helpful EDDM® Marketing Tips To Grow Your Business

Every Door Direct Mail® postcards provide an outstanding marketing concept for small and large businesses. Whether a company wants to focus on clients in residential areas or business settings, an EDDM® campaign has the potential to cultivate a variety of targeted leads.

How to Make the Most Of Your Print Marketing Budget

The start of another calendar year is upon us. As you begin to think about how you will spend your print marketing budget, it may be a good idea to examine your brand awareness. What areas can be improved and where do you excel? Investing in marketing and advertising materials such as flyers, grand format signage, packaging materials, and handouts can be seen as an investment to build a business and can broaden your customer reach.

Tips For Starting Your Dream Small Business

Our long-time customer-service-rockstar, Irene and her husband, have had a dream to own their own bar for many years. In 2020 they decided to make that dream a reality and Main Street Social was born. We have been so impressed with their vision and have enjoyed watching their small business dream come to life.